t is so SO important to begin to see that MANY things the abuser says is not true. In many cases, it is a projection of their own insecurities.

Understanding projection is important because it helps you de-personalize, step back, and see what is actually happening.

Narcissistic projection is a defense mechanism where individuals project their negative feelings or flaws onto others. This often results in accusations and judgments from the narcissist that mirror their own guilt or shame. Understanding this behavior is crucial for anyone dealing with a narcissist as it helps avoid getting entangled in toxic cycles.

A critical aspect of handling such situations involves not internalizing these projections or projecting your positive traits onto the Narcissist. Meaning, we stop assuming the Narcissist will act in accordance with our values or moral code. By remaining self-aware and setting effective boundaries, we can maintain our power while navigating these challenging relationships.

If you’re currently struggling with self-identity amidst such circumstances, I highly recommend my podcast episode on setting boundaries. It provides valuable strategies for creating mental space for independent thought and prioritizing your needs.

You can listen to the free episode here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1916632/10385885