Difference Between a Therapist and a Coach

What is the difference between therapy and coaching? A therapist is a licensed mental health professional with a master’s degree in psychology. They use talk therapy to help you explore and unpack your past and provide support for the present. Together, you can...

Emotional Abuse Assessment

Emotional abuse relies on a pattern of power, control and exploitation established by one person over another. To identify if a person is establishing such a pattern, it is important to go beyond a simple checklist of abusive behaviors. Because we find that virtually...

Women Can be Narcissists too…

Understanding and Managing Relationships with Narcissistic Women Have you ever felt like you’re constantly walking on eggshells in your relationship, where your own needs and emotions seem to get lost in the shadow of your partner’s dominating presence? This is often...

Narcissistic Projection

t is so SO important to begin to see that MANY things the abuser says is not true. In many cases, it is a projection of their own insecurities. Understanding projection is important because it helps you de-personalize, step back, and see what is actually happening....